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  • Trilok Gurtu at the Percussion Festival on 16.06.2024 in Aschaffenburg

Trilok Gurtu at the Percussion Festival on 16.06.2024 in Aschaffenburg


On Sunday, June 16th 2024, Trilok Gurtu, a living legend, a master drummer, percussionist and world music pioneer, will perform in a quartet at the Percussion Festival in Aschaffenburg.
But not only that, Trilok Gurtu will also be giving an exclusive percussion workshop on the same day.

The festival and the workshop will take place at the Theater Aschaffenburg.

More infos to the festival here.
Ticketlink hier.


o-tone music
Intl. booking - label - artist management - label management - publishing - distribution - B2B

fon: +49 (0) 641 - 9 48 89 30

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Marktlaubenstr. 1, 35390 Gießen

Montag - Freitag 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr

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