The show tells the amazing story of the life and career of Edith Piaf through classic French music. The audience is taken on a journey through the streets of Montmartre during the time of “La Vie en Rose”. Never before seen photos and images of Edith Piaf will be shared through a unique audiovisual experience.
During the show, Anne Carrere will be accompanied by 4 musicians : Piano, Percussions, Accordion, Double bass. Piaf ! The Show is a worldwide success with more than 500 000 tickets sold in 2016 in 23 countries. Charles Dumont, Piaf legendary composer, said about the show: “This is the best Piaf show ever produced!”
“Anne Carrere conquered Broadway!” NBC News
“It is Anne Carrere who gets clostest to Piaf’s turbulent presence” BBC
“Anne Carrere rises to the challenge, nailing pretty much every aspect of the singer’s voice and mannerisms” The Times
“In the land of guttural rolling Rs and voices rooted in the deepest depth of the diaphragm, Piaf-style singers are aplenty but Anne Carrere is a league apart. Make that three leagues, actually.”
“Anne Carrere’s performance as Piaf is totally mesmerising. […]Anne Carrere manages to exemplify not only the spirit of the singer but also her unique sound. The legendary vibrato is captured with precision.” Get the Chance Wales
The show tells the amazing story of the life and career of Edith Piaf through classic French music. The audience is taken on a journey through the streets of Montmartre during the time of “La Vie en Rose”. Never before seen photos and images of Edith Piaf will be shared through a unique audiovisual experience.
During the show, Anne Carrere will be accompanied by 4 musicians : Piano, Percussions, Accordion, Double bass. Piaf! The Show is a worldwide success with more than 500 000 tickets sold in 2016 in 23 countries. Charles Dumont, Piaf legendary composer, said about the show: “ This is the best Piaf show ever produced!”
o-tone music
Intl. booking - label - artist management - label management - publishing - distribution - B2B
fon: +49 (0) 641 - 9 48 89 30
Generelle Anfragen: info(at)
Anfragen für das Label: label(at)
Anfragen für das Booking: booking(at)
Anfragen für Verlag und B2B: verlag(at)
Marktlaubenstr. 1, 35390 Gießen
Montag - Freitag 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr